Friday, July 16, 2010

Next week is John Carpenter Week!

Next week shall be devoted to John Carpenter- the man, the musician, the filmmaker. (A list of my past John Carpenter articles is available HERE.) There'll be some obvious choices and some eclectic ones, and hopefully we'll all benefit from an appreciation of a man who's seen it fit to take up the mantle of Hawks and deliver some of the greatest character-driven genre cinema of the last forty years. Furthermore, I'm brimming with excitement regarding THE WARD, Carpenter's first new feature-length film since GHOSTS OF MARS. (This is likely Week 1 of a recurring, multiweek series).


  1. Looking forward to it! I've enjoyed your previous takes on THEY LIVE and IN THE MOUTH OF MADNESS in particular.

  2. Oooh boy, goddy!
    Carpenter is one of the greatest, can't wait to read your reviews!
