Thursday, March 21, 2024

R.I.P., M. Emmet Walsh


I was saddened to learn of the death of perennial "irascible old man" character actor M. Emmet Walsh, maybe best known for BLOOD SIMPLE, but also BLADE RUNNER, STRAIGHT TIME, WHITE SANDS, THE GLASS SHIELD, CANNERY ROW, CRITTERS, MISSING IN ACTION, one of the most memorable episodes of TALES FROM THE CRYPT, and a whole raft of others. R.I.P.


  1. The Mighty Quinn was another great role in an underrated film.

    Who was he in Winter Kills?

  2. Anon.,

    Totally re: THE MIGHTY QUINN.

    You know, that's weird! I have him in my personal notes on WINTER KILLS but can find no other evidence out there. I know there are multiple versions of that film in circulation, but with no supporting evidence I'm gonna concede that I was wrong!
