Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Incredibly Hyperbolical Ironside Trailer: FORCED TO KILL (1994)

I don't think I'll get to the review in time for this week, but this looks like a good one. Just when you think they can't make any more outrageous claims about the film- they do. Co-stars Ron Howard's father, brother, and Mickey Jones (Bob Dylan's drummer, appeared in EXTREME PREJUDICE).


Anonymous said...

Might be a good one to invite some friends over and make car explosions and flips into a drinking game.

Same director:


Sean Gill said...

Yeah, right when you think there can't POSSIBLY be any more car flips– there's like three more.

And that clip- one of my favorites. I was under the impression it was from a Godfrey Ho film, though...maybe the same producers/distributors?